
What our Pune Hills really need

What our Pune hills such as ARAI or Vetal Tekdi need is more security guards on the hill, especially at night. These guards should be equipped with suitable deterrent devices, adequate authority, as well as mobile phones and walkie-talkies that have a hotline connection to the nearest police stations. Police stations also need to be geared suitably to take such calls and take immediate action at night. 

Why am I advocating all this?
Recent garbage collection drives on the Vetal tekdi reveal a large number of dirty plastic and paper plates, cups, bottles etc. Also many liquor bottles made of glass; some of them broken.  One of the photos below shows an open air chool or cooking fire made with three stones on the very top of the hill. 
If people need employment then this is where the forest department/ development funds need to go on a priority basis. Employment of well trained security guards. Towards protection and preservation of our natural environment, of what we already have.


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